We All Do Better When We All Are Taken Care Of
Access to healthcare and financial resources are not available to many of our fellow Minnesota residents. People’s immigration status should not determine whether they live or can feed their families. It’s unacceptable on a human level and especially abhorrent as they have been working and paying taxes along side us and are responsible for providing many of the essential services we are all so dependent on.
Over 30 grassroots groups signed on to a collaborative letter demanding human rights for all who are living in MN during this crisis. Writing and getting support for this document was the first step and we thank all of the organizations that signed on for their support.
Now we need everyone to take a few minutes to do the following.
1. Please read the attached letter and download to your computer. Here’s a link to a letter specifically addressed to Governor Walz *Our power is through our collective voices, so please share with group members, friends and family in MN. If you know of a group that we did not reach in the limited time we had that would like to add their names, please email cd2action@gmail.com and we will add their names to the PDF
2. Send it in an email as an attachment to your elected officials, both at the state level and federal level. Some officials prefer using a form at their website , in which case you will need to share the url link to these letters, since adding an attachment isn’t an available option. Here is link to generic letter: https://tinyurl.com/ss5magh, and link to letter to Walz: https://tinyurl.com/wklpbkt Or go old school and print and mail with a personal cover letter to you elected representatives!
3. In your cover email, please emphasize that this is not a time for a debate on immigration, but rather a time to consider that we are all responsible for the health and safety of everyone we live near, shop with, rely on for goods and services, and with whom we share our space in our communities.
Here is an example which is the email I sent to MN Senators that are on the COVID19 Working group, my own state reps as well as Governor Walz, Senator Tina Smith, Senator Amy Klobachar, and Congresswoman Angie Craig.
“Please include this email and attached letter as part of the public record for future working group or committee meetings re: the response to COVID19.
This COVID19 outbreak has shown us once again, how interdependent we all are on each other as Minnesotans.
Our health, our prosperity, our access to basic needs such as food and essential materials, are all affected by the health and well being of every single person in the healthcare industry, every person in every supply chain and every person we encounter.
Leaving any individual at risk, puts us all at risk, which is why dozens of grassroots organizations have come together to say that as Minnesotans we know that “we all do better, when we all do better” and call for you, as an elected official to do everything in your power to insure that ALL people who are living in MN have their health, and basic economic security needs met.
We know that you hear from special interest lobbyists on a regular basis, but feel it’s more important that you hear from everyday Minnesotans, who have nothing to gain except the knowledge that Minnesota puts all of it’s residents’ lives, human rights and needs first.
I believe in a crisis, people show who they truly are, what they value and who they believe they work for. This is not a time for immigration debates, or partisan politics- but a time to rise up and save lives and livelihoods.
This is that time.
We are all watching.
Please read the attached letter at https://tinyurl.com/ss5magh and feel free to share with others that are in positions of power and influence. As an elected official, you are our voice, the voice of all Minnesotans. We will be listening for your response.”
Personalize yours and include a link (or attach the group collaborative letter). Our collective voices are important to demand that ALL of the people who live in this state are taken care of in this pandemic, and beyond. We all do better- when we all do better!
Any questions? Contact us at cd2action@gmail.com