321 19th Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55455
We are excited to present a 2018 Women’s Summit to discuss feminism, the current state of women’s rights and some of the realities of what it means to be a woman in the U.S. in today’s political climate. This event, hosted by Local Action Group in partnership with ERA Minnesota will feature a panel discussion moderated by Patricia Torres Ray, a viewing of the documentary, Equal Means Equal, and a selection of highly relevant breakout sessions led by local women’s issues leaders and experts.
The cost of the event is $25 for general admission, $5 for students
Join ERA MN & Friends for a Women’s Summit and screening of the groundbreaking documentary Equal Means Equal!
Video Presentation from Senator Amy Klobouchar
Panel Discussion
Moderated by Minnesota Senator Patricia Torres Ray
Introduction and remarks from Heather Allison, President ERA MN
Screening of the film “Equal Means Equal” the definitive documentary on the status of women in America. Directed by Kamala Lopez
Let’s Talk, Women! Networking Coffee – Coffee Break sponsored by Common Roots
Two Rounds of Break Out Groups
Facilitated discussions over the issues the film addresses and more:
1. Wage Equity Gap & Economic Justice
Dr. Elizabeth Campbell, Department of Work and Organizations, University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management
2. Women’s Rights to Reproductive Healthcare
Allie A. Carlson-Stehlin, Minnesota Public Affairs Manager, Planned Parenthood
3. Introducing Girls To Their Full Potential
Rebecca Gagnon, Director Minneapolis Board of Education, National Assessment Governing Board Member, Board Member 180 Degrees.
4. Sexual Harassment and Discrimination
Reverend Dr. Nekima Levy-Pounds is a lawyer, professor, and activist. She is a nationally recognized expert on a range of civil rights and social justice issues at the intersections of race, public policy, economic justice and public education.
5. Intersectional Feminism
Dr. Taiyon J. Coleman, Assistant Professor, English Department, St. Catherine University
6.Female Incarceration
Karmen McQuitty, J.D., M.S., Senior Staff Attorney University of MN Student Legal Service and Chair of the Advisory Task Force On The Woman And Juvenile Female Offender In Corrections