Summary: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify employer-provided fringe benefits for bicycle commuting. Cosponsors
ANGIE CRAIG’S POSITION: Representative Craig cosponsored the bill on 4/18/19.
STATUS: Introduced 3/05/19 by Rep. Blumenauer, Earl [D-OR-3].
- The Bicycle Commuter Act of 2019 Seeks to Restore a Tax Incentive for Bicycle Commuters. (Source: Evelo, Inc.)
- “…But the fact that people who commute by car and public transit in the U.S. have access to a tax break of up to $265 per month (if their employers participate), and bike commuters get comparatively nothing, pretty neatly sums up bike commuting’s position in the country.(Source: Eillie Anzilotti, Fast Company)
- In 2017 the U.S. Department of Transportation released performance measures requiring states to set congestion mitigation and air quality goals for shifting transportation trips away from single occupancy motor vehicles. Offering incentives for employees to bike to work some or all of the time will help states meet these goals. (Source: The League, National Bike Summit)
- In general I like the idea behind this bill. If drivers and bus riders get a tax break, then shouldn’t cyclists too? After all, cyclists are without a doubt using a more fuel efficient method of transportation. We all have to breath the same air, and bicycles/e-bikes do a larger part in keeping that air clean. (Source: electrek)