H.R. 2350 – Ghost Army Congressional Gold Medal Act

Summary: This bill directs the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate to award a Congressional Gold Medal to the 23rd Headquarters Special Troops, known as the “Ghost Army,” collectively, in recognition of its service during World War II.  (Cosponsors)

ANGIE CRAIG’S POSITION: Representative Craig co-sponsored the bill on 08/11/20.

STATUS: Introduced 4/22/19 by Rep. Kuster, Ann M. [D-NH-2]


  • Representatives Annie Kuster (D-NH) and Peter King (R-NY) have reintroduced legislation to award a Congressional Gold Medal to the 23rd Headquarters Special Troops, known as the “Ghost Army,” a covert World War II unit that contributed to key Allied victories, including the Battle of the Bulge and the crossing of the Rhine River. By deploying inflatable tanks, planes, and other vehicles, using radio trickery, impersonating other Army units, and employing other deceptive tactics, the Ghost Army diverted the attention of enemy forces and is credited with saving thousands of lives. The Ghost Army’s activities were classified for more than 40 years, and this legislation would provide the unit with long-delayed recognition. Companion legislation has also been introduced in the Senate by Senators Edward J. Markey (D-MA), Susan Collins (R-ME), and Angus King (I-ME).

    “It’s an honor to sponsor this bipartisan legislation to honor the unsung heroes of the Ghost Army whose innovative tactics sowed confusion among enemy forces during World War 2,” said Congresswoman Kuster. “The members of the Ghost Army, including Granite Stater Mickey McKane, saved countless Allied lives through their visual and acoustic deception. It’s long past time that these brave Americans were recognized for their contributions to the war effort during WWII, and I urge my colleagues to support this legislation.”

    “I commend Rep. Kuster for introducing this legislation which honors the critical role of the 23rd Headquarters Special Troops (“Ghost Army”) during World War II. Their heroics were unknown for more than 40 years and it is finally time that the American people not only learn about but recognize their ingenuity and selflessness which saved countless American and Allied lives. They deserve their due,” said Congressman King.

    “These brave soldiers brought unique, creative skills to the most dangerous and critical missions,” said Senator Markey. “They epitomized the American can-do, innovative spirit. Against the odds, they convinced the enemy forces that they were the ones at a tactical disadvantage. It time that brave patriots like Jack McGlynn of Medford, Massachusetts and all of these units are recognized for their critical contributions to the Allied victory in World War II.”

    “Our nation will always be grateful to the members of the ‘Ghost Army’ soldiers who served with distinction during World War II,” said Senator Collins. “Their courage and resourcefulness were pivotal in the European theater, helping to secure the Allied victory and likely saving many American lives. Our legislation, which would recognize these soldiers with Congress’ highest civilian honor, is particularly meaningful to me since my father, a World War II veteran who earned two Purple Hearts and the Bronze Star, was wounded twice during the Battle of the Bulge.”

    “I’m honored to join a bipartisan group of my colleagues to introduce this legislation recognizing those who served in the top-secret ‘Ghost Army’ during World War II,” said Senator King. “These unique units, which included several soldiers from Maine, used innovative and creative techniques to confuse the enemy, reduce casualties, and support several Allied victories in Europe. Their ingenuity in the face of grave danger continues to inspire us as we craft strategies to respond to the diverse set of new threats facing our nation today.”

    The Ghost Army, comprised of only 1,100 men, served in the European Theater of Operations during World War II, and was actively engaged in battlefield operations from June of 1944 through March of 1945. Many members of this innovative unit were recruited from art schools, advertising agencies, communications companies, and other creative and technical professions; others were regular GI’s serving their country. The Ghost Army often operated on or near the front lines of the conflict, and three of its members gave their lives in carrying out their mission. The first contingent of Ghost Army soldiers took part in the D-Day landings, and active battlefield deceptions began in Normandy just one week later. Estimates state that between 15,000 and 30,000 American soldiers and 10,000 German soldiers would have lost their lives, but for the heroic acts of the Ghost Army.  The Ghost Army’s unique story and contributions to the Allied victory were chronicled by a PBS documentary in 2013.

    (Source: Rep. Ann M. Kustner Press Release, 05/26/17)


Link to the text of the bill.

Link to bill information (support and opposition) on Countable.

Link to bill information on GovTrack.