H. R. 4705, To require Executive agencies and Federal courts to comply with address confidentiality programs, and for other purposes.

Summary: To require Executive agencies and Federal courts to comply with address confidentiality programs, and for other purposes. (Cosponsors Bipartisan)

ANGIE CRAIG’S POSITION:  Representative Craig Cosponsored the bill on 10/18/19.


STATUS: Introduced 10/16/19 by Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4].


  • “I’m proud to introduce the Safe At Home Act with the support of Minnesota Secretary of State Simon and colleagues from both sides of the aisle,” Rep. Betty McCollum said. “October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and we must take this time to do all we can to protect victims of stalking and domestic violence. This legislation is a common sense step that the federal government can take to help ensure the privacy of those who fear for their safety. I encourage my colleagues to support this important legislation.” (Source: Rep. McCollum, Press Release, 10/21/19)


  • Link to the text of the bill.
  • Link to bill information (support and opposition) on Countable.