Summary: To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide information regarding vaccines for seniors as part of the Medicare & You handbook and to ensure that the treatment of cost sharing for vaccines under Medicare part D is consistent with the treatment of vaccines under Medicare part B, and for other purposes. (Cosponsors)
ANGIE CRAIG’S POSITION: Representative Craig Cosponsored the bill on 05/27/20.
STATUS: Introduced 11/13/19 by Rep. Shalala, Donna E. [D-FL-27].
- “The importance of immunizations in managing preventable disease and improving general public health cannot be overstated,” said Rep. Donna Shalala. “Too often, seniors wanting to be vaccinated can’t find the information they need or have trouble affording these essential, life-saving treatments. This is a common-sense bill that will help lower obstacles by expanding access to information and making vaccines more affordable for seniors.” (Source: Rep. Shalala, Press Release, 11/13/19)
Link to the text of the bill.
Link to bill information (support and opposition) on Countable.
Link to bill information on GovTrack.