H. R. 663, Burn Pits Accountability Act.

Summary: This bill requires the Department of Defense (DOD) and the military departments to evaluate whether each member of the Armed Forces has been (1) based or stationed where an open air burn pit was used to dispose of waste, or (2) exposed to toxic airborne chemicals. Members located where an open burn pit was used or exposed to toxic airborne chemicals must be enrolled in the Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry, unless the member elects not to enroll.

The evaluations must be included in periodic health assessments, physical exams conducted immediately prior to separation from active duty, and deployment assessments.

DOD must share the results of the evaluations with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Cosponsors

ANGIE CRAIG’S POSITION:  Representative Craig cosponsored the bill on 4/09/19.

STATUS: Introduced 1/17/19 by Rep. Gabbard, Tulsi [D-HI-2]. 


  • It has the support of the Lung Cancer Alliance (LCA); IAVA; United States Army Warrant Officers Association; Chief Warrant & Warrant Officers Association, USCG; Bladder Cancer Awareness Network; the Blinded Veterans Association (BVA); the Marine Corps League; American Veterans (AMVETS); Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS); the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW); and the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States. (Source Countable) (Link to Tulsi Gabbard Press Release)
  • We support the legislation as a first step of ensuring that all those effected by burn pit toxins are accounted for and benefit from actions designed to address associated health issues. (Source: Lung Cancer Alliance)
  • From 2018, “We take this issue seriously because it affects so many – so many – veterans and currently serving servicemembers and family members, as well,” said Army Col. (Ret.) Mike Barron, MOAA’s director of Government Relations for currently serving and retired affairs. “We’re going to keep pushing this hard. It’s a very important issue to MOAA members and we hear that.” (Source: Military Officers Association of America)


  • Link to the text of the bill.
  • Link to bill information (support and opposition) on Countable.