H. R. 7940, To amend the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 to direct the Secretary of Agriculture to make grants for improvements to meat and poultry facilities to allow for interstate shipment, and for other purposes.

Summary: To amend the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 to direct the Secretary of Agriculture to make grants for improvements to meat and poultry facilities to allow for interstate shipment, and for other purposes. (Cosponsors)

ANGIE CRAIG’S POSITION:  Representative Craig Cosponsored the bill on 07/06/20.


STATUS: Introduced 07/06/20 by Rep. Peterson, Collin C. [D-MN-7].


  • “We have seen the importance of having meat and poultry processors of all sizes in Minnesota and across the country over the past few months,” said Chairman Peterson. “The RAMP-UP Act will provide grants to help these rural small businesses meet that demand, wherever their customers live.” (Source: Rep. Peterson, Press Release, 0701/20)


Link to the text of the bill.

Link to bill information (support and opposition) on Countable.

Link to bill information on GovTrack.