Know Before You Vote: Rep. Angie Craig

Voting is a vital part of our responsibility in our democracy. We hope that you have already signed up to vote by mail, to insure that nothing will get in the way of your ability to vote in the primary in August and the general election in November

Just as important is holding our elected officials accountable for providing real representation once elected.

  • Are they listening to constituents,
  • Accessible and engaged in the community,
  • Providing opportunities for real assistance to make our communities stronger and
  • Casting votes that demonstrate this commitment to the residents of the community they represent
Angie Craig takes questions at her fifth town hall of her first term.

Would you like to know how our Representative, Angie Craig, “represents” the 2nd Congressional District?  We have been tracking her since she was inaugurated.

In Washington:

Congresswoman Craig continually meets with groups, businesses, and individuals to listen and understand their legislative needs. This work resulted in 439 bills being sponsored or cosponsored (over 70% with bipartisan support) that address concerns in every category of the Minnesota DFL’s Platform. Even with the unconscionable inaction in the Senate, 7 of these became law that address the needs of:

  • Families suffering from the impacts of COVID-19
  • Family farmers
  • Veterans
  • September 11th victims
  • Individuals dealing with autism
  • Abuse and torture of animals.

See details behind the summary above at CD2Action Congresswatch

At Home In District:

Our Congresswoman continually meets with constituents across the political spectrum in both formal and informal ways.  See her remarkable energy and engagement throughout all parts of the district on display at Where in the District is Angie Craig?

Representative Craig committed to holding a Town Hall every month while she represents CD2. Townhall #17 , yes #17, is coming soon! You can view all of them as well as some additional videos at Watch Angie Craig in Action

Every day:

Her staff has worked on an untold number of individual cases on behalf of CD2 constituents. Here are details of the kinds of services they provide and constituent testimonials that we found at her website.

Remember that it’s our responsibility to not only sign up to vote, but to learn as much as we can about the people who want to work for us as our elected officials, up and down the ballot.  Both at the state and federal level, we deserve people who will be accountable to us, making decisions that are in the best interest of all of their constituents.

In the coming weeks we hope to provide links to many of the people who want to earn your vote up and down the ballot in promoting the progressive values that we share. Then it’s up to you to do the work and Know Before You Vote!

We also hope that you and your families are safe and healthy and know that we will get through this together!