March for Our Lives- MSP

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No More Silence- End Gun Violence

Tens of thousands descended on the MN Capitol on Saturday March 24th for March for Our Lives MSP- a student led event aimed at putting an end to gun violence.  Students Demand Action and Moms Demand Action were the primary organizers, with many organizations offering support.  League of Women Voters was in full force offering opportunities for voter registration. TAKE ACTION by supporting these amazing organizations. Participate in Moms Demand Action MN Lobby Day UPDATE- Watch video at end of post about press conference at MN Capitol 3/26 Check out MNeveragain a great group of high school students who marched in DC and came back more committed to ending gun violence. Buy a shirt or two, like their Facebook page, follow them on Twitter @MNeveragain

This may have been spurred on by the most recent school shooting in Parkland, but this worldwide event showed this movement is much more than that.  It seeks school safety, but also safety in the streets of our cities, safety at all public venues and a reduction in gun deaths across our nation. It demands that elected officials listen and respond in meaningful ways, not thoughts and prayers- but action!

I was honored to have the opportunity to meet with many participants before the march to learn why they were there and to amplify their voices for Moms Demand Action. Please watch them here.

Students, staff and families from Parkland, FL were in town for a hockey tournament and were welcomed as they spoke at the rally in St Paul (Thanks to Ceri E. for sharing her videos)